Museum Travel Alliance
Exclusive international travel opportunities
The Bullock Texas State History Museum is pleased to partner with the Museum Travel Alliance, a consortium of museums whose members share a passion for cultural travel, to offer our members exclusive international travel opportunities.
As a member of the Bullock, you are invited to venture abroad to a carefully curated selection of privileged travel opportunities led by renowned scholars and curators. These unique high-end cultural experiences are open only to members from participating institutions, and Bullock members are among the elite group eligible to participate. Connect with like-minded history and art enthusiasts as you visit historical sites, travel on elegant chartered vessels and luxury trains, and go behind the scenes of major cultural institutions to discover world masterpieces.
Become a member or renew your membership
For more information on these tours, and to view a full list of tours available to Museum members, visit the Museum Travel Alliance website or call (855) 533-0033. Travel opportunities are open to all levels of Bullock Museum members.