Fly Girls Opening Day Celebration


November 11, 2014 11:00am - 4:00pm

Spend this Veteran's Day at the Bullock Museum celebrating the lives of women who forever changed the face of the United States Military. Programs run throughout the day, can be attended all together or individually, and are free and open to the public.

Schedule of Events

Oveta Culp Hobby
11:00am, Museum Classrooms

Debra Winegarten, author of the new book Oveta Culp Hobby: Colonel, Cabinet Member, Philanthropist, will discuss the latest research on this founder of the Women’s Army Corps. Ms. Winegarten will sign books in the museum store following the talk.

Conversation with the WASP
2:00pm, Texas Spirit Theater

Nancy Parrish, Executive Director of Wings Across America, will lead a conversation with women who trained and served as Woman Airforce Service Pilots during World War II. The conversation will begin with a viewing of historic news footage about the WASP and discuss the reasons women had for joining, their service, and the ongoing legacy of this important group.

Book Signing and Member Reception
3:00pm, 2nd Floor Lobby

Exclusively for Museum Members and VIPs. Celebrate the opening of the exhibit with a USO-style reception. Nancy Parrish will sign WASP in Their Own Words, and attendees will be able to converse with program panelists and tour the exhibition with curators on hand.


photos courtesy United States Air Force