Game On!
Come out and play, won't you?
November 30, 2017 6:00pm - 10:00pm
As a largely digital medium, video games appear to be created in some distant, electronic realm that drops files and discs to physical and online store shelves. But Game On! reminds us that some of our favorite playable art is actually made in our own backyard.
About the Event
Game On! is a free, all-ages event that brings together Texas video game developers to showcase their latest and upcoming creations. From indie to AAA, fast-paced battles to contemplative strolls, visitors are invited to embrace the wide variety of games made in Texas, and the variety of players driving the industry. Developers, gamers, families, and individuals who have yet to experience the joy of gaming are invited to come and check out the state's video game development scene, and play games with friends and neighbors.
In conjunction with the Bullock Museum's Pong to Pokémon: The Evolution of Electronic Gaming, SXSW Gaming and The Austin Chronicle are on board to make this event bigger and better than ever before. Come out and play, won't you?
Support for the Bullock Museum's exhibitions and education programs is provided by the Texas State History Museum Foundation.