Youth Art Month

Student Art Exhibit

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The Bullock Museum is pleased to once again host artworks created by some of Texas's most promising visual art students.

March is Youth Art Month, a nationally recognized program that emphasizes the value of art education for all children, encourages support for quality school art programs, and promotes the importance of art appreciation for all people. Sponsored in Texas by the Texas Art Education Association (TAEA), the state has been a leader in Youth Art Month celebrations since the program began in 1961.

Throughout the month of March, the Museum's Third Floor Rotunda is home to an exhibition of over 100 original pieces of student artwork created by K-12 students from across the state. Visitors will enjoy an exhibit that showcases the talents and self-expression of the students of Texas.

The Bullock Museum gives its proud support to the state and the TAEA through this annual exhibition. The students who have their artwork on display are celebrated at an annual awards ceremony at the Museum, and the Office of the First Lady of Texas selects some of each year's youth artworks for display at the Governor's Business Office for a year.

The Bullock Museum, a division of the Texas State Preservation Board, is funded by Museum members, donors, and patrons, the Texas State History Museum Foundation, and the State of Texas.